Ceremony of Raising of Bro. Anthony

Bro. Anthony
It was our great our pleasure to host the raising of Bro. Anthony, from St Laurence Lodge No 5510, to the degree of a Master Mason. Twelve brethren and guests from St Laurence Lodge attended this meeting, which they said they enjoyed immensely.

Our W Bro Alan Gardner conducted the first part of the ceremony including the Obligation and W Bro Mike Batt delivered the Exhortation and Charge. They were ably assisted by brethren from St Laurence Lodge. W Bro Keith Bleasdale took the Masters Chair and delivered the Traditional History, while W Bro Lawrie Morrisson took the Junior Wardens chair. The Working Tools was delivered by Bro Fraser Betts and a most enjoyable piece of ritual, new to our Lodge, The Walking Charge, was delivered by W Bro Len West. All the work was impeccable and greatly enhanced our ceremony.

After a superb meeting the brethren dined in perfect harmony, enjoying an excellent hearty meal and the company of our visitors. The toast to the visitors was proposed by W Bro Mike Batt, and a splendid and gracious response was given by W Bro David West from St Laurence Lodge.

The combined meeting was such a success that it was hoped by all that another such venture would take place in the future and that this would be the starts of a strengthening bond with our brothers and friends of St Laurence Lodge.