Ceremony of Raising of Bro. Anthony
It was our great our pleasure to host the raising of Bro. Anthony, from St Laurence Lodge No 5510, to the degree of a Master Mason. Twelve brethren and guests from St Laurence Lodge attended this meeting, which they said they enjoyed immensely.
Our W Bro Alan Gardner conducted the first part of the ceremony including the Obligation and W Bro Mike Batt delivered the Exhortation and Charge. They were ably assisted by brethren from St Laurence Lodge. W Bro Keith Bleasdale took the Masters Chair and delivered the Traditional History, while W Bro Lawrie Morrisson took the Junior Wardens chair. The Working Tools was delivered by Bro Fraser Betts and a most enjoyable piece of ritual, new to our Lodge, The Walking Charge, was delivered by W Bro Len West. All the work was impeccable and greatly enhanced our ceremony.
After a superb meeting the brethren dined in perfect harmony, enjoying an excellent hearty meal and the company of our visitors. The toast to the visitors was proposed by W Bro Mike Batt, and a splendid and gracious response was given by W Bro David West from St Laurence Lodge.
The combined meeting was such a success that it was hoped by all that another such venture would take place in the future and that this would be the starts of a strengthening bond with our brothers and friends of St Laurence Lodge.
- Assisting Officers
- W Bro Gardner & Bro. Anthony
- Bro Anthony and Masters of both Lodges