Ceremony of Raising of Bro. Kennedy Rath
At our last meeting we had the opportunity for the first time to welcome our new Assistant Provincial Grand Master, W. Bro. Robert Whittingham, PSGD.
We then proceeded with the business of the evening, to Raise Bro. Kennedy Rath to the degree of a Master Mason. The Worshipful Master was ably assisted in the ceremony by W. Bro. Mike Batt, W. Bro. Dick Bush and Bro. Joe Curtis. All the work was carried out to a high degree of satisfaction. It was then time to elect our Worshipful Master for the ensuing year and W. Bro. John Dobson was unanimously nominated and elected. At the conclusion of the meeting, members and guests retired from the temple for some well earned refreshment, and sat down to an excellent festive board.